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thumper cable fault locator

Do you wonder how we receive electricity through your home? It makes its way through special wires, which are laid deep underground. Such cables are extremely crucial as they supply power to everything around us, including our lightings and computers and appliances. We need these cables to have electricity that provides power for our everyday lives. These cables can be damaged due to weather, construction or simply wear and tear, so when damage does occur finding the location and rectifying the issue in a timely manner is vital.

Locating cable faults was a difficult and time-consuming task. It could take forever, as workers had to dig at different locations to determine where the fault lay. However, a new technology from Tanbos has made it significantly easier now. The special piece of technology capable of doing so is known as the Thumper Cable Fault Locator which is an exceptionally useful device that allows you to diagnose cable faults in a fast and precise manner.

Pinpointing Cable Faults with Precise Thumper Locators

Operation of a Thumper Cable Fault Locator involves transmitting an extremely high voltage pulse onto the faulted cable. Think of this pulse as a wave that moves with the cable. That pulse travels down the cable until it reaches the fault (the point in the cable that has been damaged). As soon as it hits the fault, the pulse gets reflected back to the device. It then calculates how far away the fault is by timing how long the pulse takes to travel to the fault and return.

Thumper locators are highly accurate and will pinpoint the exact location of the problem with great accuracy. Which allows you to fix the fault a lot easier and faster. Previously it used to take a lot of time to identify the problem, may be even hours or days. However, that can all be completed in less than a few minutes using thumper locators! That means that's a much faster, much more seamless process for people to get their power back on.

Why choose Tanbos thumper cable fault locator?

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