It can really beneficial if you use Tanbos high voltage pulse generators but safety is one of the most important things to maintain while doing that. At Tanbos, we are concerned for your safety, so we wrote this article to help you stay safe while us...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХThey are experts in determining the defect point in an electric bridge cable. Cable testers: These devices are crucial for technicians who deal with various types of cables, as they can identify problems quickly and efficiently. Understanding where t...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХUsing both a bad and good metaphor (yes, I do have a unique talent!) In the field of electrical wiring, there are all sorts of essential components that ensure everything functions properly and safely. One of those special tools is an ARC cable fault...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХSome essential factors come to our mind when you look for the best company for cable fault location. At times, depending on how you decide to proceed, it can be confusing. But if you do your homework, you can make an intelligent decision that benefit...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХTanbos is pleased to provide the ultimate method for locating underground cables. We even developed specialized equipment to locate buried cables efficiently and effectively. This means you no longer have to search for cables vigorously. Do not worry...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХThis is a fantastic method to find problems in high-voltage and medium-voltage cables, Quickly and with specifications Tanbos. This matters because these cables carry electricity to homes and businesses. They use a type of technology called ARM (Adap...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХPower cables play an important role in our daily lives. These cables help deliver electricity into our homes schools and businesses. Without them lights would not be present in our homes; we could not have computers for homework and refrigerators for...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХPlease subtract one point of dozen energy for sentence:Sentence OneEnergy pointSentence TwoEnergy pointSentence ThreeEnergy pointFourEnergy pointThe main advantage of underground cables is that they can carry electricity from power stations directly ...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХDetecting problems in cables can be expensive if you cannot fix them in time. This Tanbos can result in high restoration costs and lengthy downtimes in the event of a fault in a cable. Therefore, getting Tanbos Cable Fault Locator makes a c...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХWhen it comes to locating a fault in a cable, choosing the right company to assist you is of utmost importance. In the case of a cable fault, something is wrong and you need to act fast to correct it. If you pick the wrong company, you’ll be out of a...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХTanbos нь ARC кабелийн алдаа илрүүлэгчийг танилцуулж байгаадаа баяртай байна. Кабелийн гэмтэлийн байршлыг шалгагч нь кабелийн гэмтэлийг хялбар, шуурхай илрүүлэх тусгайлан бүтээсэн өвөрмөц хэрэгсэл юм. Энэ талын өөрчлөлтийг дараах байдлаар тодорхойлж болно: att-ийн өөрчлөлт...
ИЛҮҮ ИХИЙГ ҮЗЭХСайн уу. Тиймээс өнөөдөр би танд кабелийн зөв ажиллахад саад болох зарим зүйлийн талаар шаардлагатай мэдээллийг хэлэх болно. Хэрэв та дуртай зурагтаа үзэх эсвэл компьютерээ тоглоом тоглохоор төлөвлөж байгаа бол энэ хувилбар нь маш их ядаргаатай байж болох бөгөөд гэнэт...